Alive FM continues to look for great ways to encourge you on a daily basis. We continue to search for great features that will help you on your daily journey. Below is a list of features we currenly air.

Everyday Matters
Mon-Fri 1:20pm
Debbie Griffith believes that Everyday Matters. Everyday Matters is a 60 second feature encouraging you to make the most of everyday.

Plugged In
Mon-Fri 8:20am
Plugged In is a Focus on the Family publication designed to shine a light on the world of popular entertainment while giving families the essential tools they need to understand, navigate, and impact the culture in which they live.

Making Your Life Count
Mon-Fri 2:20pm
Steve Douglass’ daily feature contain a two-fold impact — listeners discover how to live a life transformed by Christ, while also hearing examples of how they can make a difference in the lives of others!

Get In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley
Mon-Fri 4:40pm
Dr. Charles F. Stanley is the founder of In Touch Ministries and Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia, where he served more than 50 years. Dr. Stanley’s heart’s desire is to get the gospel to “as many people as possible, as quickly as possible, as clearly as possible, as irresistibly as possible, through the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God.” Get In Touch is a one-minute inspiration moment from Dr Stanley.

Route 66
Mon-Fri 5:20pm
Dr. David Jeremiah serves as senior pastor at Shadow Mountain Community Church and is the host and founder of Turning Point. In 2005, his passion for radio ministry led him to create short, inspiring radio spots called “Route 66.” These one-minute inspirational moments are intended to catch the attention of both secular and Christian audiences by providing encouragement and insight into God’s plan for our lives. God has given us His own Route 66—the 66 books of the Bible—and these brief inspirational road signs will help you find directions on His highway every day.
Back To The Bible Minute
Mon-Fri 7:40am & 3:20pmDr. Neufeld joined Back to the Bible Canada after 30 years of serving in pastoral ministry, both as church planter and senior pastor. Known both nationally and internationally for his expositional Bible teaching, Dr. Neufeld led one of the largest churches in Canada as senior pastor for 15 years.
Laugh Again With Phil Callaway
Mon-Fri 7:20am & 3:40pm
Laugh Again strives to share God’s love and good news through the humorous and heart-warming stories told by Phil Callaway.
In Doubt Minute
Mon-Fri 9:20am
indoubt exists to cultivate conversation by bringing the gospel to the many relevant issues of life and faith facing young adults today. This is accomplished through a weekly radio/podcast with a popular guest, weekly Biblical articles, Bible studies for group and individual use, and live events that tackle crucial issues. All of indoubt’s resources are accessible and free. They can be downloaded at or through their app on both iOS and Android platforms.

Tom Copland Financial Moments
Mon-Fri 4:20pm and following the 6:00am and 6:30pm shows
Tom Copland teaches how to manage your finances based on Biblical principles. God’s Word, the Bible, has incredible wisdom in the area of finances. There are 2,350 references in the Bible to money and material things.